
1. ការជ្រើសរើសកៅអី


This is a multi-stop trip. Seat(s) with warning sign () indicates that they are not available at one of the following stops. You will be assigned and asked to move to another seats at one of the stops.

2. ព័ត៌មានរបស់អ្នកដំណើរ

3. លេខកូដបញ្ចុះតម្លៃ



  • This is information for travelers who are traveling Cambodia to Laos or Bangkok. The border is known as "Tropaeng Kreil Checkpoint (Cambodia) & Nong Nok Khiene Landport (Laos) and Poipet (Cambodia) & Aranyaprathet (Thailand)".It's possible that Mevis Transport changed the Bus/Minivan at the border or another bus check point.
  • Passengers must initially apply for an e-visa for the nationality required, while they may alternatively apply for a visa upon arrival. SLR will assist regarding on this. However, we recommend that passenger apply for an e-visa prior before starting on your journey to avoid any problems at the border. If there is an issue while crossing the border, it is the responsibility of the travelers.
  • The purchased tickets are not refundable
  • Passengers must be present at the boarding point at least 20 minutes before the departure time.
  • The ticket will be considered as invalid for late or no show-up by the departure time.
  • Please be mindful that the bus company may modify your seat if necessary. The seat number is only a guide.
  • Refund is not available for any issues related to the complimentary services such as pickup service, Wi-Fi, Snack, outlet, and so on.
  • The travel duration shown in this trip is estimated based on the service provider transit experience, however it possibly takes longer depending on road condition, rainy season, etc.
  • Only one exchange is permitted for tickets up to six months after the date of purchase or booking. Please email BookMeBus at support@bookmebus.com 48 hours prior to the scheduled departure time.
  • Please be aware that each passenger is permitted to bring one piece of checked baggage (which cannot weigh more than 25 kg for a bus and 15 kg for a minivan) as well as one additional piece of cabin baggage. There can be an extra fee for any overweight bags.
  • Livestock, pets, weapons, illegal products and hazardous material are prohibited aboard the bus. You should not bring strong smelling food items onto the bus (like durian, etc.).

  • Don Det (next to Mr. Mo Adventure)- also Don Det 4000 island