Traveler reviews for Virak Buntham Express
1610 Reviews
They stopped for food at a place where the foreigners couldn’t eat anything. There were 8 foreigners and 5 Khmer people. Only the Cambodians are while the foreigners had to wait till they finished their meal.
I’m sick on bus so it’s very difficult for me when the driver always use accelerator (accelerate-disaccelerate, accelerate-disaccelerate...)
Nice mini Van, but we left 20-30mins late. Also if you have a TV showing the timetable, please add some information as when it's time to jump on a certain bus (like at the airport: boarding now).
The driver stopped at least 8 times for the whole trip which 1hr delayed. He dropped the delivery packages at least 4 times.
The trip was ok. Boarding issue: I had the seat 20B, but two people were already sleeping in my seat. I took the staff 40 minutes to find a solution and finally give me another place. It was ok but the AC was leaking and I had water on me all night