Traveler reviews for Virak Buntham Express

1610 Reviews

Traveller 275881 about 1 year

what’s going on? on the route from SHV the bus driver is accepting motorbike as luggage and allows unsafe camping seat for a little kid in front of the booked seat reducing the legroom

Hon about 1 year

The bus leaves on time and arrives ahead of scheduled time.

0 about 1 year

0 about 1 year

0 about 1 year

0 about 1 year

Traveller 276547 about 1 year

The bus is late for like 30 mins

Vendy about 1 year

The bus departed at 9 30pm instead of 9pm as specified in the ticket. The bus made multiple necessary stops. The bus tires got changes twice, once in Pursat and the other time in Battambang. The second time was risky as the tire exploded midway.

Kris about 1 year

Very good service. Quick, efficient, no comments

Aanrader om met Virak Buntham te reizen about 1 year

Prettige bus regeling rijden netjes en vertrekken optijd met nette busjes.

Displaying ticket reviews 691 - 700 of 1610 in total