Traveler reviews for K.S.O Transport Co. Ltd

109 Reviews

Traveller 53363 about 2 years

គួយ សុជាតិ over 4 years

អ្នកលក់សំបុត្រនិងតាកុងឡានសម្តីឆ្លើយ មើលសុំឡានជិះទទេៗ

គួយ សុជាតិ over 4 years

សំរាប់អ្នកផ្តល់សេវាកម្ម លក់សំបុត្រនិងអ្នកបើកឡានសម្តីឈ្លើយ បម្រើភ្ញៀវមិនបានល្អពេលភ្ញៀវសួរពីព័ត៌មាន

Traveller 108931 over 4 years

Im really not sure to recomemded this bus, very ugly inside... Bad smell,

Traveller 82437 over 4 years

Highly NOT recommended for long distance travel. Driver kept adding cusromer along the way even the bus is already full, making seats tightly packed together.

Traveller 82437 over 4 years

The bus condition is not good. The only thing that disappointed me that the driver keeps pickng the customers along the road. The bus is overloaded and seats are tighly placed next to each other. Highly NOT recommeded for traveler in long distance.

Nelius van Niekerk over 4 years

The bus was in very bad condition. Broken seats, very uncomfortable. The trip took almost 9 hours, and the driver was often driving recklessly.

Traveller 50976 over 4 years

Driver is so bad, action, language is like no education

Alyssa Lim. almost 5 years

It was my first time taking a bus in cambodia, honestly for that affordable price, I wasn’t expecting much. It exceeded my expectations. Just one problem, the driver doesn’t speak English. I was the only tourist, I did not know what was going on.

Horrible almost 5 years

I thought I was going on a bus. Was a minivan. Bus was to leave at 6:45am. But left at 6:30am. Good thing I was very early. I had pre bought my ticket and seat selection. I did not get my seat. Van was overpacked. Took 8 hours. Was suppose to be 5.5.

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