Traveler reviews for K.S.O Transport Co. Ltd

109 Reviews

Sreyleak Chheng over 7 years

Well, I am not really happy to travel with this company. The departure schedule was 7:45 am, but it departed around 9 am. The bus didn't reach the destination, Poi Pet, they transferred me to another bus which I had to wait for hours. They pissed me off!!

vinu over 7 years

empty bus, flood situation, but driver safe driving..

vinu over 7 years

empty bus, flood situation, but driver safe driving..

Kimhuo over 7 years

Thanks for your good service. Please keep going :))

Korb Sokoam over 7 years

Bus comes very late

Korb Sokoam over 7 years

Korb Sokoam over 7 years

Wei Yeh over 7 years

Sacha Keijer over 7 years

Afwul ride. Drive drove like an idiot. Passing other cars when ever he wanted. Often there was not enough room to pass otter cars. He stoppd outside of Sihanoukville where tuktukdrivers tred to scam us to get out of the bus and get into overpriced tuktuk

Elisa over 7 years

I booked a KSO bus leaving at 8pm Phnom Penh to arrive at 8am at Bangkok. First, when I arrived none of the staff spoke English. Then, the bus, didn't have beds but hard seats, no blanket and was playing loud khmer music. The bus dropped me only at Poipe

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