136 Reviews

Luis almost 5 years

We arrived 1 hour late. The driver kept stopping to do some errands like buying stuff on the market, bringing people in...At some point we were 19 people on the minivan counting the driver. When we complained to him about being to many people he laughed.

ChhengAn Ul almost 5 years

The price is more experience than purchase at office directly.

jennip98 almost 5 years

I was pleasantly surprised as the journey was comfortable and we felt safe with the driver. We had read a few negative reviews, but we booked seats at the front of the bus and overall had a comfortable ride. The journey took 6 hours.

jennip98 almost 5 years

I was pleasantly surprised as the journey was comfortable and we felt safe with the driver. We had read a few negative reviews, but we booked seats at the front of the bus and overall had a comfortable ride. The journey took 9 hours.

jan almost 5 years

Driver was driving like crazy. Even for Cambodian standards. Even there was a 2 months old newborn baby on board. We were seriously afraid of our lives. Use at your own risk.

Julien almost 5 years

La route était vraiment merdique sur la fin... Le gros point noir fut qu'on a été accompagné d'un bébé qui a fait que gémir, et de bidon d'essence qui nous a infesté (seulement la derniere heure car il les a chargé pendant une pause)

Valentin almost 5 years

Hello 9 hours on the van is difficult.. moreover when we made 7 stops on the trip. I think you could win at least 1 hours (minimum!!). We arrive at 5.15 pm.

Simon & Sarah almost 5 years

Really happy with our journey. Stops every 2 hours for a stretch plus a lunch stop. It took a while in Siem Reap Bus station to find the place it was leaving from.

Savy Lyda almost 5 years

Good transportation company, u can trust

Nick about 5 years

Everything was fine until they picked up an extra person that was not part of the seat assignment and they put him sitting on a bag of rice, right next to me. I was squished and this extra person was sitting on my seat. I had barely any room. It was dumb.

Displaying ticket reviews 11 - 20 of 136 in total