Traveler reviews for Virak Buntham Express

1610 Reviews

Ulrike 11 months

Eine sehr angenehme Reise in einem luxuriösen Bus

Krols pascal 11 months

Luca 11 months

Our trip was pretty perfect: only the time of arrival was mistaked, but we espected It, it's normal in cambodia

Leticia 11 months

Delphine 11 months

Delphine 11 months

Callum Drysdale 11 months

Fantastic company and would highly recommend to any person to book with this company

0 11 months

អន់បំផុត។ ដូចជិះឡានដឹកអីវ៉ាន់។ ក្រុមហ៊ុនតំរូវអោយឡានចូលដឹកអីវ៉ាន់គ្រប់សាខា ដែលនាំអោយយឺតពេល 1 ម៉ោង ទៅ 2 ម៉ោង។

Delphine 11 months

Don’t really know what happened because unclear communication from the employees, but we had to take a sleeping bus at 00:15 pm instead of 11:30 pm (another bus or same one with delay? no idea). Hopefully enough time to catch our next bus in PP.

Traveller 281049 11 months

Displaying ticket reviews 451 - 460 of 1610 in total