Traveler reviews for Ekareach Express
620 Reviews
The road was under construction but the driver keep driving crazy fast. Unsafe.
This was one of the best bus rides we had when in Cambodia. Thanks.
Overall, bookmebus is my first choice! but this time, I booked for my parents so I can not give the review.
ដំបូងថាមិនចង់ជិះទេព្រោះធ្លាប់ម្តងហើយពេលទៅតែមកវិញវាគ្មានជំម្រើសក៏សំរេចចិត្តជិះទៅប៉ុន្តែពេលមកវិញអ្វីៗគឺខុសពីពេលទៅណាស់។ទាំងតៃកុនបើក ម៉ាស៊ីនឡានគឺល្អទាំងអស់។ អន់តែម្យ៉ាងគឺម៉ោង7ត្រូវចេញប៉ុន្តែ7កន្លះបានចេញបាន។ មិនអីទេសំរាប់ពេលមកវិញនោះ!!!!
វាមិនដែលម៉ែអាណាបើកលឿនសាហាវហើយប៊ិះបុកគេរហូត។ បើយាយពីម៉ាស៊ីនត្រជាក់ឡានត្រជាក់ម៉ែអាត្រជាក់។ ត្រជាក់ឡើងប៊ិះដាច់ខ្យល់ងាប់ក្នុងឡាន
Normaly, it was a bus for 8 persons...and finally, it was a bus for seat organisation completely different, the places in back were very stretch...and the driver drive like a dumb, fast and dangerous! first time and last time with this company!